Thursday, April 11, 2013

Character Interview(featuring Aracora Irene Deathseeker)

Today you can see an exclusive Interview with Aracora Irene DeathSeeker. Enjoy!

Interviewer: Hi. What is your name?

Aracora: I'd think you'd know

Interviewer: I know your name, but asking you what it is is the first question of this Interview.

Aracora: Oh. Because everyone reading this simply cannot read the bold text before what I am saying.

Interviewer: Ummm... *reads list of questions* Do you like chocolate?

Aracora: Is that the name of an evil villain?

Interviewer: *cough* Um... no. Do you have any family?

Aracora(hisses): What business of yours is that?

Interviewer: Ummm... I don't know. It's on my list of questions.

Aracora: Blast. Well, I'm not answering that one.

Interviewer: Not unexpected. What weapon do you like to use?

Aracora: I use a curved blade which is poisoned, magic, and poison.

Interviewer: What color is your hair?

Aracora: I was born with jet black hair which my mother dyed red stripes in. When I was old enough to shape-shift, I always used a plain profile, with brown hair.

Interviewer: Eye color?

Aracora: I have blue eyes when I am pleased and not angry, red when I am angry, green when I am sad, brown when I am excited.

Interviewer: Interesting. Your favorite food?

Aracora: Food means nothing to me unless I am poisoning someone with it.

Interviewer: Your favorite thing to do?

Aracora: Hard to choose from torture and killing.

Interviewer: *gulp* Your hobby?

Aracora: Swordplay.

Interviewer: What makes most people qualify as idiots in your eyes?

Aracora: Anyone who is not a Shape-Shifter is an idiot.

Interviewer: Hmmm.....

Author: *laughs*

Aracora: What are you laughing at?

Author: Do you.. realize.. this... is just like an interrogation!

Aracora(face flushed): WHAT?! *draws sword and chases Interviewer)

Author: *draws curtain* Have a nice day, all!


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