Monday, April 8, 2013

Prologue From Author's First Book "Freedom"

Author: Here's my prologue from the book I'm trying to publish.


Ryebrynn ran. She ran from her troubles, she ran from The Orphanage and its commanding Mistress and Master. The thought of the bite of the Master’s whip scared her, as did the thought that she might be caught by the Mistress’s hunting hounds. Almost too scared, causing her to tremble and trip. "Dramri! Hear me! Protect me!" She prayed to the god she hardly knew, her feet were cut and her clothes were in rags.
"Ryebrynn, you are Mine,” a voice resonated from the heavens, “I will not abandon you. I will keep you safe. My power protects you. I am with you to the end of the age."
Ryebrynn stumbled and fell, looking down at the lump her hand rested on. A glimmering purple mound lay solitary on the ground. Curious, she stooped; seeing an animal alone in the wilderness, she gently picked it up, wondering what it could be. Holding a finger in front of its tiny nose, Ryebrynn felt the faint breath of life. 
“You’re beautiful,” she murmured. “But what are you?" As Ryebrynn was turning the creature over in her hands, she felt small raised bumps on its skin. Investigating further, she discovered that they were tiny scales… and the lumps of wet cloth-like membrane folded on either side were… wings! Ryebrynn heard a startling sound... hoof beats and the baying of hound dogs. 
With a burst of panicked adrenaline, she jumped up and sprinted off, farther east into the dark forest. The Orphanage had sent men out after her. That must be it. A surge of fear entered her heart as she heard dogs approaching. Oh, so tired! She desperately wanted to stop, to catch her breath, but they were hot on her trail, leaving her no choice but to run. She still held the small, purple bundle against her chest. Her feet bled, and she was alone.
She wept, and realized she still held the small dragon. Or, at least, she thought it must be a dragon. Clutching the dragon closer, she wept for her lost life, she wept for her pain, she wept because she had nowhere to go, and soon the men would catch up. “I… I have to do this,” She muttered, hiding the tiny dragon in her tunic pocket, for it was small at the time, and set off to meet with the men chasing her, tears running down her face. The men harshly yelled at her, causing Ryebrynn to flinch. One slapped her, another kicked her harshly, and Ryebrynn tried hard to hold back the tears. To be strong.... Ryebrynn gasped out the tears, failing to hold them in. She was quickly led back to The Orphanage—to punishment.
* * *

Author: Mwahahahaha!! I'll leave you to worry over her.


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